Sunday 6 May 2007

Justin High!

Just got back home from Justin Timberlake's concert.

What can I say... A-MA-ZING!!!!!! That's an understatement.
AN ABSOLUTELY MIND-BLOWING EXPERIENCE, totally worth the 50 quid we paid for a ticket!! It's too hard to describe this in English.

Olin niinka NIIN fiilareissa koko ajan että ei mitään rajaa. Ihan loisto keikka, ihan loisto. Siitä on niin kauan kun viimeksi oli keikka jossa (lähes) jokainen biisi räjäytti pankin (ehkä Prodigy 1,5v sitten), mutta tämä oli yksi niistä (mikäli sattuu Justinin biiseistä tykkäämään :D ) AAAAAWWWW!!! Ja perse heiluu!

Sorry for the Finnish bit. Anyway. Lights, sounds, dancers, everything was so perfect. The stage was situated in the middle so everyone had equally good views of Justin's sexy back (NB: that was a reference to the song in case you didn't realise - not denying though that his back is quite sexy, haha).
There was a bit too much bass though, you could feel your lungs shake, but fortunately I had brand new earplugs to protect my ears :) Feeling sorry for those that were totally exposed, people should realise that if they get a hearing damage, which probably might have happened in today's concert without protection, then there's no going back... *trying to educate*

Below are some crappy pics taken with my phone. I didn't know that the camera ban concerned only PROFESSIONAL cameras - I saw loads of ppl taking photos with digicams like mine, darn!

The place was packed.

We were there!

And there is Justin!

And here!

And there! And everywhere!

All in all, this went straight to my TOP 5 for best gigs (the other ones being Juno Reactor, The Prodigy, Rajaton (joulukonsa), and Michael Jackson back in 1995).

The bed is calling now. Feeling so happy, like I was a teenager again :P
Btw, tomorrow you'll get a full account of the Manchester and Liverpool trip. 'Til then.

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