Tuesday 26 June 2007

Back Home, Leaving Again Tomorrow

I landed in Finland on Sunday. Feeling exhausted after the 2000km road trip. It was all good anyway. However, I find it way too exhausting to write a detailed blog entry about those 10 days on the road. I might add some pictures later if I feel like it...

Since Sunday I've mostly been confused, bored and annoyed. I just feel like sleeping, but to get started with my real holiday, I have to unpack and arrange things first. One of the six bags I brought with me is still unpacked and my stuff is lying all around the living room. There's terrible mess everywhere and I'm supposed to resolve it somehow. I hate such a mess. It makes me feel dizzy and unfocused. The problem is that 50% of the stuff I brought with me is totally new, meaning that I have to find a place to each item, not an easy task when every corner is filled with stuff already. So, eventually this all means that I have to sort out all my closets and sell or throw away the stuff I don't need anymore. And I'm just not up for it at the moment.

I have to do it anyhow. I started off with the bathroom today - carried out 10kg of rubbish. Unfortunately (?!) I cannot continue tomorrow 'cos I'm going to Lapland on my parents' car to relax at family cottage with my relatives (uncle, aunt, grandma). To RELAX, gosh, that's what I've been doing for nearly two months now :D Anyway, inspired or not, I want to go, because a) I haven't seen the people for a year, and b) we are going to bury Cindy there.

Oh, by the way... you know what folks... I guess this is the last entry of my blog *sob* :( Who knows, maybe I'll be back some day with more stories to tell. I wish to thank you all for reading my blatherings! :) I'll still get e-mail announcements about new comments so feel free to comment on any post and ask me anything you like about studying or living Scotland (not that I consider myself some kind of an expert).

Ok, time to run. Wish me luck with the mosquitoes! I've been warned their armies are huge this summer!

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