Thursday 1 March 2007

Three Cases from This Week

Just decided to provide you with some info about my current state.

1. CASE 1: LAURI'S VISIT. So Lauri didn't make it here last weekend - darn - I was feeling crap for a day or two, but not anymore, 'cos we booked new tickets for him already :) He's coming here in just TWO WEEKS! :)) So he's here between 14.3.-20.3. And actually that's even better than this visit the storm messed up, 'cos now he's here for longer and he's going to join the big big Highlands/Loch Ness trip with ISoc. We're going to see some of the most famous sights of Scotland and sleep in a real castle with tons of people. And there's going to be a ceilidh in the evening! :) I'm so happy! I have a dance partner! A ceilidh partner, all night, just for me! Lauri's going to love that. Can't wait to see him. Miss him so much!
I've forgot to mention this, but even though I told you in January that I don't really miss anything or anyone in Finland, that's not at all true anymore, I miss all of you! And I want to know how you are doing there! Please send me e-mail :) Or drop a comment here. Or use MSN Messenger. You'll find me online almost every night ;) I hope I'll find you too.

2. CASE 2: ESSAYS. Yeah, I got more time to write my essays when Lauri's trip was cancelled, but make a guess, did I use that time efficiently? Did I actually write essays all weekend? NO. I was partying, heehee! And here I am, stressed up, trying to finish my second essay ASAP, so that I can start with the third (and last) one. The first one is done, thank god. The deadlines are on Monday (for the second one) and on Wednesday (for the other two).
I've never been that efficient time-wise - as you all know, I'm ALWAYS late, and ALWAYS in a hurry. It runs in the family, my dad has the same flaw. Or is it a flaw? A bit of stress keeps me on the move, I think. What sucks though is that I had to cancel another hiking trip because of my bad planning. The first one was because of my flu, and this weekend's trip to Torridon because of these essays. Well, I'm going to St. Andrews with the ISoc instead. And on Monday to Edinburgh to meet Satu and Pasi who are spending five days there and bringing me some bread and salmiakki from Finland. Can't wait to see them! :)

3. CASE 3: TINNITUS. Despite the quite positive undertone in this post, it's not just happy happy joy joy here, actually I've been very down lately. I went to this party last Saturday, which was really nice and funny because of the dress code - people were asked to wear something 'half and half'. My friend Lotta was half devil, half angel; I was half partying, half sleeping (which reflected my mood pretty well). Which means that I was wearing a party top and pyjama pants :) Here's a pic for you to peer at:

So, anyway. When you go to a flat party, you wouldn't automatically assume that the music is going to be as loud as in a nightclub, and that you'd need earplugs. Neither did I, until I saw that the music was coming out of a freakin QUITAR AMPLIFIER!! Then it hit me hard that I might have got some real damage in my ears during that night without even realising it. At that point I was done, and walked out of the building as fast as I could.
And guess what, my tinnitus really got worse. When I came home that night my ears were ringing like hell. Since then my ears have felt blocked. Maybe they are? Maybe this will go away? Please, go away you damned beep! I can't sleep with earplugs on 'cos all I hear is that freakin beeeeep, and I can't sleep without earplugs 'cos the doors start slamming at 6:30. So I can't sleep at all, which just makes this worse.
Why me of all people? I always wear earplugs, except for this one single time, and is this the price to pay? Please people, use earplugs, take care of your hearing before it's too late. I'm not asking you, I'm forcing you!

So, if someone asks me what I got out of this exchange, I have an answer ready: a hearing loss! :D *lol*

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